Source Code

Hangover people

People that make you feel as if you have a hangover after you spend time with them. Often times you feel exhausted or have a headache after social in counters with them.

Person 1#: After spending time with Jessica, I feel exhausted.
Person 2# :Jessica is a hangover person(hangover people) .

by Ninjakitb June 4, 2021

amazing idea to flip people off

……..…../´¯/)………… (\¯`\
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(.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….)… )
.\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./
..\…………….. /……..\……………..…/

"Man, This is a totally amazing idea to flip people off! To the haters!

by notaguyontheinternet March 16, 2022

yhite people

a miss spelling of white people seen commonly on TikTok or shorts

"thats yhite people shit"

by Finn Ehssin May 13, 2023

White people's unfunny Goku

Goku is a universally loved character and if you don't then you're either boring or racist but probably both. A white people's unfunny Goku is usually a boring and/or unfunny character who is really loved only by white people.

Steven from Steven Universe is really white people's unfunny Goku

by Myopinionisright June 10, 2024

Why do people like forks so much?

People like forks a lot because its so cool!!!!11!1!!!!1111!

Why do people like forks so much? Forks are you when yes is you good when fork is yes good you ok when fork work yes okau when to

by eating a burger with no honey September 29, 2022

the "kfc" loving people

the kfc loving people are a harsh group of thugs who love to steal. They commit half the crimes in the world but are only a small percentage of people in the world. They love to hold gun sideways and consume kfc, watermelon and Kool aid. even though they love Kool aid the one thing they fear the most is the Kool Klux Klan. imagine if the kfc loving people made there own kkk, it would be called the Kool Aid Klan

Person: No! please don't rob me!

the "kfc" loving people: shut up nigga! we goin to rob yo ass and eat yo kfc!

by CaseyWestergaardHasAHugePenis March 25, 2024

2👍 1👎

white people seasoning

Salt ans pepper

Yo bro Dave uses white people seasoning

by PotatosFart37 November 11, 2022

1👍 1👎