a horse game people hate but keep throwing money at
star stable online is a shit game.. brb gonna buy $50 of star coins
One of the "Big Three" jeans brands sold at Buckle, along with Miss Me jeans and Rock Revival jeans. Even though they no longer make Big Star jeans, most people who shopped at Buckle or worked there will remember how comfortable these jeans are.
"That's one big booty." - Chris
"Yes it is. I'm wearing my Big Star jeans. I wear them because I love it when dudes give me love pats on the booty." - Hannah
Supposedly the player with the best performance in one Brawl Stars game, but really it's just the R-T your Mortis random tried to kill during the entire game
Person 1: "Hey I managed to carry that game despite the fact that Mortis kept feeding the enemy R-T"
R-T: (is star player)
Person 1: "Is one mastery point short of Gold III mastery"
What does it mean when you from the hood and you have 3 stars
What does it mean when you from the hood and you have 3 stars
To put 5 tongues amongst an asshole. Making a star like lick.
I need to get crazy. Time to super star my ass.
When you have 50 dingleberries stuck in your asshole hair and you bend over and spread it wide in front of a fan to dry out.
“Hey ma! Uncle Garfield’s got a star spangled banner.”
A very cool Minecraft Mod adding knees to horses.
- I’m tired of minecraft horses having no knees!
- get Star Worm Equestrian Mod! it adds knees!