Wearing socks with thong slippers a.k.a. "flip-flops"
I was ninja turtling the fuck out of my boyfriends locals when I went to da stow earlier .
Trekking through snowy mountains with a sled on one’s back while using the sled as a snow and wind shield as well as a means to quickly slide through the snow as it is still attached to the back.
By ninja turtling, they found that they could quickly traverse any terrain in the snow without fear of obstacles.
Trekking through snowy mountains with a sled on one’s back while using the sled as a snow and wind shield as well as a means to quickly slide through the snow as it is still attached to the back.
By ninja turtling, they found that they could quickly traverse any terrain in the snow without fear of obstacles.
Ninja constrictors are invisible ninjas that respond to thoughts and do only one person's bidding. Every time you kill one 2.35 appear in it's place. They are all around all the time, but they always spring behind you when you look for them.
Be careful what you think when you are around them, because they might respond even if you don't want them to.
*thought* Fuck Conan O'Brien, why is he so tall?
*Ninja Constrictors get busy ;) *
When a Creeper comes up behind you and explodes you, and you meet your demise. Unexpectedly, of course.
Person: *playing Minecraft Hardcore when a Creeper explodes behind them (in this case a Ninja Creeper* OH MY GOD 2 YEARS JUST FOR THIS TO HAPPEN YOU GOTTA BE JOKI-
referring to a time period where one self harms or cuts themselves
I cant send you thigh pics because of my fruit ninja days.
Person who secretly goes around sabotaging operations, missions like a double agent. Or is it a secret?
Bro this man is definitely the definition of sabo ninja he threw that match.