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what a boner

Another way of saying "what a bummer"

Your mom didn't buy you an Xbox one? What a boner.

by Fireguy47 June 12, 2017

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When a male releases sperm all over his erect penis and lets it dry for several hours. His mistress then has to remove the crust via the tongue later on.

A- "Hey, what happened with you and Shelly the other night? Did you guys hook up?"

B- "Nah man, i just have her an old Milk-Boner, it always works."

by Zeeb Starn June 6, 2011

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Boner Revolting

boner revolting is a ugly girl, or any thing that is gay like 2 guys kissing or hugging.

guy 1. Man you see that girl>>
guy 2. yeah she is boner revolting.
guy 1. hey hey that is my girl.
guy 2. my bad man, just saying it like it is!

by redking89 December 18, 2008

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fold my boner

To try to get rid of your boner while sleeping by folding it sideways parallel to the bed.

Guy 1: "Dude I couldn't get any sleep last night!"
Guy 2: "Why?"
Guy 1:"I was trying to fold my boner."

by faildude924 October 21, 2009

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All Smiles and Boners

To be full of happiness.

When the bride and groom kissed, I was all smiles and boners. Glad to see to people so in love.

by t_white March 27, 2012

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Boner-Brain Barrier

When your boner takes over thinking for your brain. Similar to the Blood-Brain Barrier where only certain substances can pass through to the brain. The Boner-Brain Barrier doesn't allow any thoughts to be processed from the brain since they are all processed from the highly sophisticated thinking center of the penis. This can result in making illogical decisions and having regrettable sexual experiences.

Hey, why'd you make-love to that 350lb manatee last night.

Three words, man... "Boner-Brain Barrier"

by The definer2017 January 19, 2012

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Deranged Boner Trance

When a man awakens in an altered state of consciousness due to sexual arousal at any point during the night. While in this frame of mind, his thoughts and actions may exist outside of of his conscious control and include sexting, sleep sex, viewing of pornography, masturbation, or even the purchase of sex toys. He may wake up in the middle of this, or β€œsleep” through it entirely, and then awaken to the aftermath of whatever his boner led him to do. Similar to sexsomnia, which is a form of parasomnia in which someone will initiate sex while asleep. He may be just awake enough to be conscious but the influence of the raw testosterone coursing through his veins clouds his judgment and leads him by the hand. It is most likely to occur when your sexual urges are not being adequately satisfied, however some men experience this regardless.

β€œRodney is a perfect gentleman by day but the moment he falls asleep, he enters a deranged boner trance and cannot rest until his raging erection is satisfied.”

by Thinkforyourselfresistbigtech February 4, 2021

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