Source Code

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


The movie begins as Anakin and ObiWan are on a mission to save Chancellor Palpatine from the Seperatists. Anakin and ObiWan reunite with Count Dooku and duel him leading to the death of Count Dooku.They attempt to escape & are trapped by Greivous, but fight back and Greivous runs. They land the ship on Coruscant & return to the Senate Building. Anakin meets with Padmé and learns she is pregnant. Anakin begins to have Visions of Padmé dying in childbirth & consults Yoda about it. Later the Council gives Anakin a mission to find out Palpatine's intensions as he has been Chancellor for too long. The Jedi find Greivous' location Utapau & send Obi-Wan. After starting the mission he finds out Palptine was a Sith and informs Master Windu. Mace brings 3 Masters to confront the Chancellor, the other 3 die while Mace almost defeats Palpatine, but Anakin decides to stop Master Windu causing his death. Anakin pledges himself to the dark side and becomes known as Darth Vader. ObiWan kills Greivous and Palpatine issues Order 66 to all the Clones. Darth Vader is sent to the Jedi Temple to kill the Jedi for Order 66. ObiWan fins Yoda and 'protect' the Jedi. Padmé decides to find Anakin on Mustafar while ObiWan hides on her ship. Padmé betrays Anakin & soon after battles ObiWan Kenobi.ObiWan takes Padmé to safety and she gives birth to Luke & Leia then dies. Darth Vader is given his suit

Person 1 : I love insert non-Star Wars Movie
Person 2 : Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith?
Person 1 : No why?
Person 2 : It's the best movie in the Galaxy

I ran out of space and forgor to put Yoda vs Palpatine sry

by Azyne April 23, 2023

war counciler

The second in comand and adviser for the leader of the organization or gang

Hey , you think we can go hit up the block where my enemy stay at the boss aint in town, I dont know. We gotta tell that to the war counciler about that.

by Tequileroboii97 October 18, 2017

Jaw War

Heated argument

"I have just had a right Jaw war with the man from the council"

by Iamnotwordy December 15, 2016

ice cream wars

An ice cream truck vendor, who refused to give up their route to someone else. Hence an actual war broke out.

In the ice cream wars, the vendors would run each off the road, and try to kill as many of their competitors as they could.

by Iam not Elmer Fudd December 29, 2020

Hundred Years War

By all historical accounts, a war that began in 1350. It was a series of conflicts in Western Europe waged between the House of Plantagenet and its cadet House of Lancaster, the rulers of the Kingdom of England.

However, in contemporary social media (i.e. Youtube), it's become an internet gag used as a racial sterotype by the number 1350. 13/50. 13 % of American Americans are responsible for over (50%) of all crime.

Some spoon : "F*** my car just got stolen. Yes, he was black. Don't say it."

Some nub : "Hundred Years War"

Spoon: "..the f*ck?"

by DripDune May 23, 2021

War Crime Island

A combination of Great Britain and Japan to commit mass war crimes, as suggested by discord user KoreanBathSalts

Damn, I hope War Crime Island doesn't do anything

by MonsoonOfTheWOD May 18, 2022

whiskey war

when a small group of people lock themselves inside a room with a handle of whiskey and finishes the whole thing

the rules are simple
1. finish all whiskey
2. nobody leaves till its all gone
3. pass the handle to the lef

last saturday me and three of my friends had a whiskey war. we all got pretty damn wasted.

by bigwhisk2333 October 9, 2010