the game that make guys lose there girlfriends and want to rage cause you suck at the game
person1-NOOOOOOO TTHIS GAME I S RIGGEDDD *rages breaks every thing* lets play again
girl- its me or fortnite
dude- thats easy fortnite
a game for people to waist all there life savings and brothers to sell there family's wedding rings for v-bucks
(you)mother can i buy v-bucks on fortnite
(mom) No
(mom)because you have no money
(you) ok
later the day you search your parents room for stuff to sell at your local pawn shop
A game which requires no skill, a third of the game's playerbase being braindead kids under 13 who think fortnite is the best game ever, or that it is good, it isn't
Kyle: Hey Tony do you wanna play fortnite, or do you wanna sit there getting shit on, huh?
Tony: Fuck you Kyle
A game where shitty 8 year old kids can rest their 1 cm long dick on.
The most overrated video game ever.
John: Dude, I was playing Fortnite last night and it was epic!
Jack: Fuck you, only eBoy's like Fortnite.
AHHHH what a wonderful game
Bobby : wanna play some fortnite
Ninja: u r stream sniping therefore I ban you from my game
A fucking piece of shit game that is ran by virgin workers who turned gay because they haven’t had female interaction in years and sweaty ass kids who post their wins on TikTok and Snapchat thinking they’re good at the game.
Virgin 20 year old: Yo I’ve got a win on Fortnite!
Chad the hulk man: Lmao you’re a fucking loser