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horsetheif canyon

A great place to live. Craziest parties like no other. Great area to do drugs and alcohol since the security is trash. Great scenery from the mountain behind the community. An all around great place for teenagers and young adults. Definitely not for the lightweight drinkers and smokers but an amazing place to have a good time.

Horsetheif canyon great community for the tweaks of the world

by All American Man December 24, 2017

east canyon

A place of which where urination and dedication goes

I released my excitement to the east canyon

by Crackerball August 22, 2024

Milky Canyon

An arse fully plugged, after a ploughing, with a young man's fresh milky fluid.

Max was completing his bronze Duke of Edinburgh when he stumbled across a trampy whore's daughter layered in her own sticky, stagnant and sweaty pubic hair. He approached the girl later realising she had fell victim to a fermented Milky Canyon.

by Doc smegoday January 8, 2018

canyon of boise

It's a verb.. Wgen a man goes " Canyon of Boise" then that is a person who is being super chill. It means to really be a lay-low kinda man. Mysterious. Or being massively under cover.

"Hey, whatever happened to that guy Josh? I haven't seen him around much?"

"I heard he's working for like the FBI or CIA or something."

"Yeah, I knew he was going out if state but I had no idea he'd be like all Canyon of Boise on us and just disappear like that."

"Hey bro.., why you hiding your Fake book profile?"

"Hey, I gotta disappear for a while so I'm going all Canyon of Boise for awhile."

Nobody knows where it is, nobody wants to know.. It's like the nowhere's ville of noplace land.

by Sissityray September 4, 2015

Meat Canyon

A dry,gaping and crusty bussy with THICK meat curtains

Samantha gave Paul Jones a great meat canyon

by Okay okay I’m just May 14, 2022

Driving the Lamborghini into the Grand Canyon

Having sex with a beautiful woman that happens to have a loose vagina

We had a great time and I ended up driving the Lamborghini into the Grand Canyon

by Chili Peanut February 24, 2019

black star canyon

SOME SPOOKY SHIT GET THE FUCK OUT UNLESS U WHITE The KKK lives here it's been confirmed September 8, 2017 9:36pm JBCN

Bro have you been to black star canyon?

by cecangelina September 9, 2017