A condition caused by excessive hours spent writing computer code, characterized by the inability to think of anything else than lines of code. Often times those lines are in random order and make little to no sense.
Mostly affects programmers and computer science students, and usually makes it close to impossible to fall asleep.
Man, we've been up for 48 hours trying to finish this assignment -- I've got code brain so bad that if I close my eyes lines of code scroll by.
Da special "password" dat you hafta speak to get a guy to drop his trousers for you.
Most horny studs don't need a zip code from an attractive lady to get him to "bare da goods" to her... usually all she hasta do is drop her OWN drawers, and he's only too quick to reciprocate.
When you are gaming and your spouse/GF/Partner shouts to come downstairs or do something and you need to quickly notify your gaming friends you are AFK.
Friend A (voip): Cover me, going in.
Friend B (voip): Target on the left.
You: Sorry, Code 88.
*audible sound of headset being thrown down*
Friend A (voip): Sh*t his GF needs him.
Friend B (voip): Yeah, we lost him.
A family-friendly way of denoting a urine incident or the threat thereof. In other words, someone just peed or needs to badly. It's perhaps most often used by medical professionals, who frequently have to use other codes so code yellow just fits right in.
Stick to the original plan. If communication breaks down or some other unforeseen question about the plan arises, stick to the original plan, no excuses.
We are meeting for dinner at 6 tonight, if you don't hear from me, keep to the code!
If you were supposed to be at work but some confusion arises about the job, keep to the code.
Poor quality code written by a low skill and cheaply paid outsourced coder that has to be fixed by average or high skilled coders who are getting paid less than what they actually deserve.
In other words, it's a shitty code that needs to have it's diaper changed.
Great, The entire system fucking bricked just because I ran a software update...
Well, time to change this shitty code diaper!
Mountain Dew mixed with Burnetts fruit punch vodka or any fruit punch vodka, tastes just like code red if mixed correct.