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filthy goose

a "dirty" martini made with Grey Goose Brand Vodka mixed with olive brine. Garnished with 3 olives. Shaken, not stirred. (See also-dirty kettle: made with Kettle One Brand Vodka)

Hey Susan, would you care to join me at the Top of the Mark for a filthy goose? But of course Chris...vamanos!

by Mr. Lane "Dyogi" Mayer October 16, 2003

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Filthy Eargasm

When you cum in a girls ear while she is sleeping and allow it to dry into a sticky plug in the morning

The girl pissed me off, so i gave her a filthy eargasm

by J-slicket April 23, 2006

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filthy mermaid

The act of fucking a girl doggy-style bent over a toilet with her legs tied together. As you cum you dunk her head into the dirty toilet water.

Man, that bitch got a face full of corn chowder when I gave her the filthy mermaid last night.

by vonorimjob December 13, 2008

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Filthy Wonton

When you are prepared to have sex with someone you never had, and after many dates and advances, you finally get it, and are disappointted by either it's smell, it's hygenie or overal physical demeanor.

"So I finally got Jamie into the sack, but bitch had the filthy wonton."

by Rukus Razor November 5, 2006

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Filthy Fuentes

To eat something that makes you sick, then shart while puking.

Liz ate some bad Jambalaya and then she laid down a heinous Filthy Fuentes.

by Nambla Rob March 31, 2006

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filthy pussy

Although most common in prostitution rings, the fithy pussy consists of a "strung-out" vagina, it often resembles the sleeve of a wizard. STD's are also a notable characteristic.

Ant: Dudeeeeee that girl Michelle is bangin!
Nick: Nah chill man, I heard she has a filthy pussy.

Michelle: I DO NOT!

by Meesheepooantmarc January 21, 2009

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filthy ronald

When the dominant male uses trickery and deception to convince their prey to peer bending over into a waste disposal container, then proceeds to "Filthy the Ronald" (also known as plugging the poop pipe). With each pelvic thrust, the head of the aforementioned Ronald that is being filthied, strikes the inner side of the waste depository.

"dude, anton clifford, theres 20$ in theat garbage can over there!"
as anton clifford looks for it he gets a filthy ronald.

by bert_fegg May 31, 2004

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