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Final Fantasy

A famous JRPG series created by SquareSoft now known as SquareEnix. The reason why it had the "final" because it SquareSoft's last game before the first Final Fantasy became a success. The series has some of the greatest games created. However, the diversity in the FF series with each new installment created the most divided fanbase that rivals Smash Bros. Hardcore and Casual wars

Person: I think FF13 is one of my all time favorite games ever.
Other Person: You should ashamed of yourself for liking that disaster of a game. It shouldn't deserve the Final Fantasy brand. The plots dumb, the battle system is boring, and the game is LINEAR......
Another Person: Well I think FF 9 is better.

by A Random Gamer December 26, 2014

winter finale

BS name for the last tv show before a show TAKES A BREAK for a few months and it restarts in the Spring.... sad attempt to increase the drama of a show even though it's not needed.

ABC likes to hype the "winter finales" of all it's crappy shows by pretending audiences into thinking it's important.

by Horace Dumpty December 12, 2015

Final Feel

When someone is too Stoned and they feel like they're dying, thinking that's the last thing they will feel

Person 1: aRe yOu SuRe ThAt wAs JuSt wEED?
Person 2: Yeah you'll be fine just chill
Person 1: *silence*
person 2: You good?
Person 1: I'm dying bro what am I gonna do, oh god, I can't move
Person 2: Damn bro that's a final feel

by dinodiq October 27, 2018

Finals Room

The state one's room is in during finals week with papers and pages of notebooks strewn out about the room.

man, my finals room is impossible to get around, there are papers EVERYWHERE!

by OptimusSubPr1me May 12, 2011

maths final

A cruel and unusual form of torture administered by sadistic educators, designed to measure a student's ability to solve complex mathematical problems under intense pressure. Often characterized by its daunting length, lack of mercy, and its ability to induce anxiety, despair, and self-doubt.

In some cases, math finals are used to determine a student's academic fate, leading to feelings of dread and hopelessness. Students who survive the ordeal often emerge traumatized, with a newfound appreciation for the power of calculators and a deep-seated fear of numbers and Greek symbols.

I thought I was prepared for the maths final, but as soon as I saw the first question, I literally died.

by Abd_ May 7, 2023

Win the Finals

When one excels in the taking of his/her final test. This phenomenon usually occurs in high school or college.

Dude I totally won the finals i had last week.

Man, I really hope I win the finals this year.

by stupendousmanishere February 1, 2013

AP Final

I don't what that is. You ether do it or you don't.

"Are you doing the AP Final?"

by thebeatboxguy111 December 17, 2022