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Freddy Frugal

A professional cheapskate. Freddy Frugal knows no bounds when it comes to saving money.
Quotes by this glorious man:
"Well gee, if you don't mind sending me half? Let me just do some quick math of what's half of 2.78." Freddy Frugal professional cheapskate
"Well, no I'm not gay but 5 dollars is 5 dollars." Freddy Frugal professional cheapskate
"You know if you complain about your food enough at a restaurant, they'll probably "comp" ya? I call it dining and whining" Freddy Frugal professional cheapskate

Ex. 1
P1: "Did you hear about that guy who only buys from low prices in fiver?

P2: "Yeah, he's such a Freddy Frugal"

Ex. 2
P1: "Sometimes, I follow that Freddy Frugal guy's advice, and it has helped me a lot financially"
P2: "You suck dick? That's gay."

by LilHoss4k February 12, 2023

Freddie Hopkins

Once known as the one they called Cherry Chubby

Wow look it’s Freddie Hopkins

by Science_Master October 2, 2019

Freddie Clare

Tall person, often gets called 'skyscraper' or 'giant.' He is also has small eyes which makes people think he is of a different ethnicity.

hey have you seen a freddie clare? Yes! i saw one at nandos

by isabell barlow October 8, 2020

Frontlip Freddie

A retard with a small frontlip that can't keep his mouth closed and has Fetal Alchohol Syndrome

Fuck you frontlip freddie
Ok frontlip freddie

stop talking frontlip freddie

by Beebo34 February 23, 2023

Freddie riggs

Known to have a big dick natural born sex machine usually very friendly kinky funny bold and strong typically has blue eyes

Omg Freddie riggs has a horse dick 😍🍆🐴

by DADDYSBABYGIRL December 20, 2016

Freddie Plumridge

An absolute nonce, if seen near your local school feel free to tackle him, however this will be challenging as he is a rather large individual.

Oy, it’s that nonce Freddie Plumridge

by Sex king4206942069 December 24, 2019

Freddie fuckup

Freddie fuckup is someone is who cannot quite get there ourselves together they get fired from every job they start within a few weeks constantly getting arrested and having problems in relationships. A Freddie the f****** maybe somebody who is also constantly triangulating situations and causing arguments between other people. Friendships last usually about two to three weeks at the most unless the person is a real glutton for punishment and hangs around longer

Freddie fuckup do did it again he had a great job and Iscrewed it up within less than 2 weeks of working and goes to the mental ward each time so his girlfriend feels sorry for him and continues to support him financially . they are also somebody that thinks they are a lot more suave than they really are

by Overeducatedunderachievinglose August 10, 2020