Judy is an embarassment to society but people dont notice because she’s somewhat pretty, she is very small and looks like a pornstar. Judy has no qualities except being stupid and horny 24/7
Judy could accidently suck your ex’s dick.
Judy blasts music in public without realising her airpods are disconnected.
judys a boomer pretending to be a millenial to 'get with the vibe of the kids these days'
person 1: man, judy's such a boomer
person 2: yeah ikr
girls named judy really get around... no sense of morality, no understanding of the idea of a relationship.
someone cheats on their boyfriend: can you not be such a judy?
The name gameeeee . jUDy! jUDy jUdY bAbOoDy bAnAnA faNanA fA fOdi
Big booty judy is to forcefully take advantage of a girl
If she walk past me one more time I’m going to have to big booty Judy
is a definition of saying a woman has a big ass and you would like to talk about it
my friend : what the fuck is wrong with you