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Missouri hillbilly buzzer

If so, your partner lays on his/her stomach while the other partner lubricates the whole with cream corn and siracha. The one doing the penetration lubricates his/her penis or strap on with pickle juice. They then begin the sexual activity while oinking like pigs.

Nick: hey watch ya doin tonight Luke.

Luke: oh I thought I thought I’d give you the ole Missouri hillbilly buzzer.

Jake: can I lather?

by Olesirmissouri January 22, 2021

Missouri Frosty

When you get the food crack which is a Wendy's frosty and some godless human decides to stick their dick in it.

Jeff: Why the fuck did you give me a Missouri Frosty?

Frank: I hate all things good and holy.

by darkred22 March 11, 2018

Missouri Mop Bucket

When you are performing anal sex in a public restroom (preferably a reststop or gas station), and the woman slips and falls forward, dunking her head in the toilet.

When me and Alice were driving cross country, I accidentally gave her a Missouri Mop Bucket in the bathroom of a Buc-ee's.

by akaRakxm October 3, 2023

Greenfield Missouri

Creepy backwoods dead town in the country side full of old people and meth addicts and sex offenders that have no lives and do nothing but small town gossip nothing but lies because they’re extremely trashy bored and have no lives

“I just got back from greenfield Missouri

Ew you probably caught something”

by Fafo123 January 3, 2024

Missouri Murry Mud Run

Dating a cop that has such bad breath and a rancid baby exit that you choose door number 3 to save your sheets.

I once dated a girl next to Kansas City that I had to do the Missouri Murry Mud Run on or risk having to buy new sheets.

by Fake Valor March 18, 2022

Clever Missouri

Clever missouri: A hick filled town where you go to...clear your thots.

Carl: Stan just went to clever to clear his thots. Sure hope he is vaccinated!

Joe: yeah those thots out there are definitely infected!
Clever Missouri place full of bad thots

by Eatme2 May 16, 2020

Conway, Missouri

A small little hick town along I-44 full of rednecks, stoners, and pill poppers.

The most common thing to find in Conway is a can of chewing tobacco.

The rarest thing to find in Conway is A girl who hasn't lost her virginity by the age of 12.

Conway, Missouri. Noun. A shit town.

"Hey, man! Wanna go to Conway?"
"No thanks! I'd rather not be a parent at the age of 13!"

by Damanjan June 21, 2017