noun: to blow a big wad of snot out of one nostril while holding the other nostril closed by pressing on the side of the nose with the index finger or thumb.
When done properly, a farmer blow completely clears the nasal passage and the small amount of snot remaining on your nose can be wiped off on the back of your glove or on your sleeve. Good if you do things outdoors a lot and don't want the mess on a handkerchief in your pocket.
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Equivalent to a jackoff or a wanker. Also a term for masturbating excessively.
That dude is a total fap farmer.
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One who enjoys another individual's penis.
However, this term is more widely used in regards to male homosexuals.
Joe is definitely a pickle farmer, did you see the way he was staring at that man's package.
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1. one who harvests jizz from multiple sources including animals and people in order to bottle it for a profit by selling it to sperm banks
look at that bastard gary he wanked of that horse for three hours, i bet hes got so much jizz hes a jizzilliannare, what a jizz farmer
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A male homosexual who likes young boys (chickens)
He was a renowned and infamous chicken farmer.
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U.S. English, noun. A male who enjoys anal intercourse and/or analingus.
Noun (pejorative): A male homosexual.
Farmer, Fannie Merritt, 1857โ1915, American cookbook author and teacher and writer on cookery, b. Boston. Director of the Boston Cooking School 1891-1902, after which she opened Miss Farmer's School of Cookery. Edited "The Boston Cooking School Cook Book" (1896), one of the best-known and most popular of American cookbooks, which sold 4-million copies through 1977.
Noun. A brand of chocolates and candies, named after the famous cookbook author Fanny Farmer, and sold through the eponymous candy store chain.
I just saw "Between the Cheeks 6". Man, oh man! T.T. Boy made like a real Fanny Farmer on that bitch's ass!
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Refers to the rather unfortunate tan you get on your arms from wearing t-shirt's in the summer. Very similar to 'Drivers Arm', the Farmers Arm originates from the country region of Australia and can also be obtained from driving down long dirt roads in the summer with 3 other mates and a carton of beer.
Katie: "Let's go to the pool, its so bloody hot"
Linda: "Yeah, I need to get rid of these farmers arms"
Linda: "No way, I'm not going anywhere with this farmers arm"
Linda: "OMG! I've got farmers arm"
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