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Urban Leftionary

A word that describes the leftist nature of the Urban Dictionary website. It points to the "leftist" political leanings on the site, whether by choice of the site and its administrators itself or by nature of the individuals who patron the site who post definitions with such leanings.

It is used to describe the phenomenon when you first open the Urban Dictionary website and see that all "words of the day" are disparagements against Republican or right-leaning public figures, complaints about voting, and traditional conservative sayings, among other things.

The reason this is the case is because it is the modus operandi of politically left-leaning individuals take to forums, social media, and any other online site that they can edit - such as Urban Dictionary, Wikipedia, or even Pintrest - to try and edit history or create a new history in which all information points the direction they want it to. For more information, read the book 1984 by George Orwell.

Person 1: Yo, I just visited Urban Dictionary and all of the current words of the day are stupid shit like "Trump Fluffer", "Trump Lung", "Voter Fatigue", "B.C.V.", and "Thoughts and Prayers".

Person 2: Yeah, that's Urban Leftionary making itself known.

Person 1: Why tho?

Person 2: Most likely because the people who patron the site are just leftists without any actual political clout, and this makes them angry. The goal of those on the political left is to create a regime in which people are shamed, ostracized, cancelled, or perhaps worse, over any idea, value, moral, tradition, or thought that could potentially be perceived as aggressive, racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, or hateful.

Person 1: But that don't make no sense doe... those definitions are connotatively hateful.

Person 2: Don't try to make any sense out of it, the left is the epitome of hypocrisy. It most often utilizes facism, hate speech, violence, and intolerance to achieve its goals.

Person 1: Sounds like they just want political and cultural power, and they no different.

Person 2: That's right. Most of them are impotent of any actual power, so they take to online forums and social media to band together as a group, because their ideas are generally useless and not based in reality unless other red-faced shouting people support them, upvote, like, or emoji them.

Person 1: Ahh, now I understand why Urban Leftionary is the way it is.

by My Diction is Reckless October 28, 2020

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Urban Dictionary

Verb. To take a completely random word and give it a sexual/gross meaning. You can literally do this to every imaginable word.

This got its meaning from the popular site "Urban Dictionary", you may have heard of it.

On this site people have a habit of giving random words sexual or gross meanings and acting like said meaning is a popular usage of it, when in reality it's just something they made up 5 minutes ago.

Dude, i'm so bored. I'm going to Urban Dictionary some words.

Cat - To get a blowjob right after taking a piss.


by Bloodbath 87 March 4, 2009

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Urban Deer

An urban deer is a person or individual daring to cross the city street outside of the crosswalk.
This "deer" is often seen running across ghetto streets dodging cars like bullets.
The individual acts without thought or care for their own life, assuming cars will stop for them... sometimes, theyre wrong.

Last night I had to jamb on my brakes as an urban deer sprinted across the street in front of me. Luckily he smiled, otherwise I wouldnt have seen him coming.

by C-Lark March 9, 2005

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Urban Dictionary

Mostly people who just want to share their ridiculous slang words, to enhance the English language.

However; often used as a way for jealous or angsty people to post hate towards whom ever they wish with impunity (by way of anonymity). Examples can be found in posts for almost all stereotypes (hip, goth, emo, rocker, skater. etc), almost all nationalities, bands or music groups, and basically any thing that anyone could feel threatened by. When searching for a hate message or angst filled reply, look for the following:

- The entire entry written in first person form from the poster. Often in a way that makes the poster seem superior to the crowd they are defining


"(insert defined group here): hello nice day were having
(insert poster here): Fuck you (defined group here), your not (positive adjective)!"

- A lack of any real knowledge on the subject other than that already known to the general public. Also contains a combination of personal opinions in as a fact on the topic matter.


"Britney spears sucks and she can't sing. Blond haired bimbo whos music is awful and whos followers don't know sh*t."

- Anyone who writes anything claiming to know the real truth. Most common in music postings. It's a way of saying mainstream or well known artists or opinions are always bad/wrong. The argument can't be maintained since music is a personal choice and as such how good or bad any piece of music is can only be determined by the individual.


"50 Cent blows and only if you listen to MF Doom you are sick."

"If you like Pulp fiction and have never even heard of Trainspotting your obviously don't know shit."

- Politics coming into play. For a definition politics play no bearing, only the represented fact. Even while describing politically charged term no politics should be permitted to taint the description.


"Neocons want to destory the whole world with their wars and military industrial complex."

opposed with,

"Neocons are often pro war and defend establishment and maintenance of the military industrial complex."

- Lastly; Racism. Avoid it. People can't help how they are born, make fun of them for choice they do make.


"Fuck (insert race/gender/colour/sexual orientation/looks/height/or anything genetically predisposed)"

There is hope though. As an Urban dictionary poster, you can avoid all of the aforementioned pitfalls by just following these easy rules:

1) Don't assume your better than anyone else.

2) Write down what you know and don't speculate on anything.

3) Exclude your personal opinion.

4) Use a spell check.

Knowledge is power. Misinformation is cancer.

A lot of posts on Urban Dictionary could be re-written or deleted off this web site. Specifically anything which doesn't add anything to a definition.

by iRant May 6, 2009

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urban confessional

the act of substituting confession with urban dictionary while using an alias to clear your conscious

Ashamed from jacking off in the tomato garden and disenfranchised from learning the fresh vegetables in his salad came from said garden Lloyd took to the internet under the alias tomato wackier to clear his conscious, it was a urban confessional.

by G-MacbookPro_witdaRetinaScreen October 9, 2014

Urban Defined

A characteristic of Hip Hop Culture or representation of life in the city. Something or someone that defines Urban Life.

In hip hop culture, a bboy cypher during the breaks is an example of urban defined.

by KnowYourHipHopRoots June 8, 2009

Urban Gunsmith

Urban Gunsmith is a person that lives in an urban environment, who manufacture's homemade firearms in the kitchen, living room or even the bed room, of an apartment, this in any case is illegal.

homemade zip guns
homemade rifles
homemade pistol
any type of homemade firearm firearm
Urban Gunsmith

by CoolHi C July 18, 2012