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Dom pegging

When a woman, or dominatrix, straps on a dildo and does (or pegs) a man in the ass.

Bill wasn't happy with the dom pegging his girl friend gave him, because he wanted the real thing.

by d0min4tr1x August 12, 2011

11πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Dom Check

When a dumbass nigga says β€œdom check” he has hereby declared himself a homosexual. This has been inked an decided in article 2 passage 1 of the book of domorotomy

Man 1: Hey can we get a Dom Check?
Man 2: Shut the fuck up!
Man 3 to Man 1: Yeah you stupid homosexual

by CEOofDOM April 4, 2020

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

dom diggle

To take a shit in someone else’s ear in an act of sexual pleasure.

Let me dom diggle you!

by zag5567 December 29, 2017

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

fanny dom

a condom for fe-males

my mom should of used a fanny dom so she didnt conceive me

by Lord Fuck U August 26, 2003

13πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

dom penis

The smallest penis in the world

did you buy a dom penis?

by Shpooky Sideborns April 15, 2017

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Dom Rat

A female student at Saint Anselm College (typically freshman) who spends nights prowling the halls of Dominic Hall (Freshman boy’s dorm) also known as Dirty Dom.

Omg Chloe was just walking around the 3rd floor of Dom last night she’s such a Dom Rat.

by CrazyCrazyCrazyvibes December 5, 2021

Carb Dom

When a dom doesn’t allow their sub access to carbs during a period of time as a form of epigastric edging

β€œEddie is the only one allowed to have cereal, he’s totally a carb dom.

by Cantdance_78 October 1, 2021