Source Code

Love you a lot

Meaning you love someone a lot more. Usually only applying to Matt and not Heather

"Matt loves Heather a lot more. Sometimes he says, 'Love you a lot."

by Keith Richards93 September 30, 2011

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Sir drinks a lot

A friend or foe who is habitually drunk in your presence, or anyone else's for that matter. He is ALWAYS the drunkest person in the room.

Tom: Oi, here comes Sam, and that dope is already three sheets to the wind.
Joe: Yo Sam! Yer fuckin' pathetic dude!
Sam: That's no way to address Sir drinks a lot!
Tom: Whatever, assmunch

by Christophe Graham July 23, 2006

44πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

parking-lot pimpin'

the act of hanging out in a parking lot and using your car to get hoes

I was straight parking-lot pimpin' with my car changing colors and shit, and guess what nigga? I done went home with 3 hoes!

by Nick D March 31, 2003

93πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

parking lot conversation

n. A long-winded discussion among group of three or more people often due to indecision of where the party wants to go next (often pertaining to eating). This often takes place in a parking lot.

I was just going to say hi to Joe for a moment, but it winded up becoming a parking lot conversation.

Manny: What took you guys so long?
Harry: I was stuck in a parking lot conversation.

by d_art December 11, 2008

39πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Parking lot tuna

Also known as PLT...

The affectionate term for a chick that will go down on you in a seedy parking lot.

Dorky Donna was some serious parking lot tuna. She sucked all the fuzz in M-Tah off in the VFW parking lot.

by His Roylal Throbness August 6, 2005

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Sir Queefs-a-lot

An exceptionally stinky boy (or lady or whatever). Queefing on the daily is a prerequisite for this title. Often a Sir Queefs-a-lot is considered especially silly or goofy in comparison to the average person.

β€œDamn, that bitch hella smelly!”

β€œThey Sir Queefs-a-lot fr!”

by westcoastqueefer March 24, 2023

Parking Lot Adventure

An "adventure" normally taken by bored teenagers who are stuck in a large shopping area/town with little or no money and have nothing better to do than document it. They often use shopping carts and while a few ride in the carts and a few steer they create chaos everywhere they go, normally with a camera taking it all in.

Usually, while they're obnoxious, they are not illegal. They will buy random things such as kid's toys and energy drinks to just create something that resembles fun. In the end, it is kind of fun in the well-we-have-stories-now way.

"Dude, we were stuck at that plaza downtown and went on a 4-hour parking lot adventure."
"Really? Man, I wish I was there. I was stuck at home."

by allieallosaurus June 15, 2009