when three guys perferably male endorse in overly sexual threesome with each other over a long period of time, while on some A-class drugs like ecstasy/molly.
"oh look, john and his two friends couldn't get pussy, so their build up frustration got them to dicky dicked down"
When you have Sweet Luv's seconds.
"Lit'l Dickie can't even go into the gas station with out seeing a half-dozen girls who've had Sweet Luv!"
A very offensive name to call a females who is sexually active
Wow, Brittany is such a dicky booty.
a penis.also a way of getting a woman to agree to give head
Man: wanna try my cream filled dicky bar?
Woman: shur,is that like a twinky
Man: cum here ill show ya
I Come here to tell everyone
Dicky / Dickies
They have a bigger dick 🖕
Wow you have a (Dicky)
Dicky / Dickies = Big Dick
The legend of Big Dickie...it flys over the canopies knocking over sky scrapers.. jumping over mountains.
It goes floppin around shottin' hoops and dunking over Michael Jordan.
Person A: Woah Dude! What the heck is that?!
Person B: I don't know! It's flying over canopies!
Person C: That's the Big Dickie! Floppin around doin all the whoosy what's its!
Person A: Snap! Now that's power you can't buy!