Father Harlan is a very holy person. Father Harlan is someone who will always follow the gospel and will never do anything wrong.
Father Harlan gets so scared when people drink alcohol around him.
Father Harlan and Laura are saving sex for marriage.
A father that has a well known son, named alarm. Even though many hate alarm, he is very useful and father clock will love him no matter what.
That father clock needs to control his alarm!
a man who has a special set of skills that may or may not include weapons training and who will protect his daughter at all costs if and when groom screws up
The father of the bride said he was going after the groom for making his daughter cry.
Darshan's home security is the father of vineesh.
Security banged darshan's wife, snd the by product is Vineesh.
Darshan's wife Vijayalakshmi developed some relationship with Producer Munirathna, Umapathy srinivas and many producers.
A soon to open strip club in Metcalfe Canada with the best poles
Did you hear about Father Mike’s opening up
A fat dad type. Father to a t is faT. Often used to discreetly make fun of someone for becoming a dad and getting wider.
A: dude what happened to bob after graduation? Ever since he married he’s unrecognizable
B: bob must be a father to a t
The hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now. A silent guardian. A watchful protector. Father Gable.
Woman 1: "It's a bird."
Woman 2: "It's a plane."
Woman 3: "It's Father Gable. I'm creaming."