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Harvey Dents

The horribly grotesque dents visible on a person's, usually a female's, thighs when they wear shorts that are way too short. Commonly refered to as cottage cheese thighs.

Guy 1: Yo man check that bitch out, she fiiine.

Guy 2: Dude, no, she's got some serious Harvey Dents.

Guy 1: I don't mind.

by stevieunstoppable November 16, 2010

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Harvey's Sister

Harveys sister

Harvey's Sister , Sheeeesh

by bignose004 November 14, 2022

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Aaron Harvey

Aaron is "A diamond in the rough" and by that I mean unless he's the most funny one in a group he has a very high chance of breaking down and crying on the dirty cafeteria floor the problem with this is that a lot of people are more funny than him including a kid named David thats main joke is literally just the word hand job. He is often interpretated as kinda annoying and braggy for things that he is not.he hangs out with the outcasts because they make him seem funnier than he is. Aaron is all bark and 0 bite and even his bark is kinda wimpy.

Haha that idiots such an Aaron Harvey with all his gay friends

by Manky Mandy January 26, 2020

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hijab harvey

hijab harvey

is that hijab harvey
oh my he’s sexy

by katiewalsh078 November 10, 2019

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Harvey Quinn

Harvey Quinn is an ok guy.

Hi Harvey Quinn

by bignose004 November 14, 2022

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Harvey's Trays

Harvey's trays, those classic orange trays you get whenever you eat at Harvey's, the restaurant? You're road tripping down the Trans-Canada Highway, you get a hunger on between Milverton and Wawa, where you gonna strap on a feed bag, huh? Harvey's. Over 12,000 served! Orange plastic trays people collect.

The Frozen Snow Shoe asked Robin over to look at his Harvey's trays collection, but didn't wanna do the Old King Clancy

by grg123456 July 12, 2022

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leo harvey

leo harvey, a dark haired dark eyed beautie. hes a perfect gentleman and will treat any girl like a princess. he has a great personality but he is good at hiding his feelings but the right girl can help him through everything.

girl: i love my leo harvey
girl 2 :lucky you have one

by ilovedogs_09 June 3, 2018

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