A person from the Punjab region who wants to create a terrorist Sikh Theocratic country in Democratic secular India even though Sikhism started in Pakistan.
A Khalistani who stands in front of United Nations with his imaginary flag during Referrendum 2020
I saw a HOMELESS Khalistani begging for a country on the street
the blackest of them all. play Fortnite like its nothing, all they do is crank 90s on ninjas forehead. make 12-year-olds cry with there XXL cack.
wow he has a hole for his XXL pp. he must be a black homeless man
When your girlfriend thinks she looks bad but still looks beautiful.
A person with a home made out of tarp, camping equipment or repurposed recycled paper. Socially, this doesn’t count as a home, even though they lay their head there every night. Technically, the proper terminology is houseless. This is a person without a roof composed of masonry.
The homeless have homes, they’re houseless and happy.
A person who messed up their life because they didn’t care about school n started smoking drugs at a young age n then went broke because all they did was spend it on drugs n then they ask people for money on the street because they fucked up there own life
Ur homeless n fucked up your life leave me alone n go ask someone else on the street