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shining wit

A shining wit is a person with a wonderful sense of the comedic, someone who can find the humour in everything and is always keen to see the bright side, going through life with an optimistic and sunny attitude, always ready to crack a joke to cheer his chums and other folk who have the good fortune to be in his presence..

He also does not really exist, so, is in fact the opposite of that. Much as he likes to be known as a shining wit, he is unaware of the fact that his associates refer to him as a shining wit merely to draw attention to the fact that he is such a miserable bastard that anyone who spends time with him usually ends up twitching on the end of a rope owing to induced suicidal tendancies..

In truth, shining wit is the polite spoonerist term for a WHINING SHIT.

"I had a date last evening, met a woman and she started crying after we tried to have sex and told me to go.

I couldn't understand it, I had been entertaining her all evening with tales of my ex-wife and our divorce, how she cleaned me out, turned my kids against me and left me penniless and suicidal and how greatful I was to finally meet a woman who was going to make me happy forever and stop me from taking the overdose I was planning to take if the date did not work out..

When she fell face first into her spagbol at 3.30 AM I decided she wanted to go to bed as she was tired, I dragged her upstairs and she seemed willing, but, nothing happened really because I have become impotent..

Then, she woke and seemed to be not so happy as she was when I met her..

Cant understand it, do you think Ill ever meet a good woman?"

Well mate, youre such a Shining Wit, the ladies are sure fall for your charms in the time honoured way.. Just keep taking the blue pills..

by evalson August 10, 2010

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fuck witted

an idividual who by fault of parental conception is a skid-mark on the collective underwear of society. Seeassclown, fuck-fuck, fuckstick, dumb-ass, chris, shane

damn that guy sure is fuck-witted. He is even more fuck-witted than shane. Maybe even more than chris

by some dude July 6, 2004

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Someone who has fuck all brains. Used to descibe anyone who generally does not think about thinks to much. Wit less to the point of being a "Fuck"

That guy Terry is a complete Fuck-wit

by Sammyt December 26, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jehovah's Witnesses

a bunch of boring mothafuckers who dont selebrate birthdays
they feel it is there goal to anooy the fuck out of normal people

ben- did you talk to those Jehovah's Witnesses bible fags
christian- nah just told the fags i was buddist, stupid cocks

by cwk April 5, 2006

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Fair Witness

Fair Witness-originating from the book 'Stranger in a Strange Land' by Heinlein, Fair Witness was a made up profession, and their job was to record everything they heard/saw. What it means play/be fair witness is to, well take questions people ask you somewhat literally, as seen in the example. Yes, you can do something, but that doesn't mean you will-and that can lead into you will/would do something but not right now because no time was specified. This pretty much means messing with peoples' words/questions until they ask you in a very specific way.

James: Okay, can you pick up all of your crap?
Michael: Yes
James: WELL?
Michael: Oh, I'm sorry-did you want something?
James: Stop playing fair witness a pick this stuff up!

by AlliterationAnne September 4, 2009

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Jehovah's Witness

Christian religious organization based in Brooklyn New York.
Based on biblical teachings use other literature as aide to provide people free bible courses.

I spoke with one of Jehovah's Witnesses on Saturday.

by JohnQ123 March 12, 2013

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1 An often clumsy, brain-dead, half-retarded, dogs-ass-useless, painfully annoying person who can't seem to accomplish even the simplest of tasks.

2 A word used in place of "mess around with"

1 "God damnit bitch, I said turn LEFT.....you're such a Fuck-Wit!!!"

2 "Don't Fuck Wit it, the picture is fine!"

by F!$h!e January 1, 2009

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