Source Code

L7 Weenie

Jett Bond

That man’s an L7 weenie!

Yeah he does remind me of Jett Bond

by TayKayFourtySeven May 31, 2022

beanie weenie

The top part of a beanie that doesn’t touch your head.

Hey, did you know most beanies have a weenie?
What’s a beanie weenie?
Duh, the top part of a beanie that doesn’t touch your head.
Oh yeah, I know!!

by bella🤪🤪 March 5, 2020

Weenie Mcweenie

The ULTIMATE Weenie.

Man that jason is such a Weenie Mcweenie

by adamjackson&jason69memefilms December 22, 2017

weenie war

An intense battle waged by rival gaggles of Doodle Bangers. This war is fought with flaccid weenies as each Doodle Banger thrusts their hips violently towards their opponents helicoptering their Male organs, attempting to batter their opponents until climax is achieved.

Doodle Banger#1: Man I'm sore, that weenie war was so intense I think I dislocated my sphincter.

by Flaccid Doodlebanger January 20, 2020

L Weenie

The description of a males genitalia size that is six inches or longer

Hey John, doc just told me that having an L Weenie over the size of 14 is unhealthy and that i should seek medical attention.

by Dr. BigPeen September 9, 2020

teenie weenie

small shlong

wow joey bierly has a teenie weenie”

by quke June 3, 2021

Weenie Wing

Hotdog sausage (known as a weiner in the United States of America) placed on a toasted piece of bread and folded
so it resembles a wing shape.

Jesse is so broke he survived mainly on Raman and Weenie Wings.

by sonofaglitch August 9, 2010