Hottest man in the room.Shortly called as BOT
When playing a game.Oh god he is a Sam Selvam
A annoying ass person who's a toucan and tries to act cool but really Toucan sam is a dumbass
Haha its Toucan Sam!! Errrrrrr
The biggest forehead known to man. It's an urban legend that the original planes were landed on it. America has declared war on Sam Powel as the oil levels are through the roof.
I reckon I could land a minicomputer on Sam Powel.
Sam Schweinheim is the dopiest of the dopey. Some believe he is related to a walrus named craig. He enjoys using fidget spinners and shooting uo schools with nerf guns.
This kid is almost as dopey as Sam Schweinheim
A certified sigma that loves getting rizzy
That guy pulls all the girls he is such a Sam Jancys