The first people of North America. The word Indian has slid into uncomfortableness because of political correctness, but chill, Indians themselves prefer Indian over Native American. The reason being is that Native American can mean any indigenous inhabitant of the Americas, whereas Indian is used just for the first people of US and Canada. NOT OFFENSIVE.
Use Indian or American Indian (not Indian American) to refer to the first people of US and Canada
Use Native American or Amerindian to refer to the first people of North and South America and Greenland collectively.
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go to an open field and strip yourself naked. lay in the grass and wait until your penis gets hard. then you place a piece of metal on/near your balls ( have your nuts at least touching the metal) when a thunderstorm comes be prepared
dude, wanna go to the school's field and get a north american lightning rod?
When a girl has a blue waffle and is on her period and gets cream pied by her boyfriend.
Ex: Stan ate his girlfriends american waffle.
An Authentic American is a patriot, who believes the founding principles of liberty, equality and justice for all are the primary directive governing our nation and it must be protected and defended at all costs and the American Revolution is not over until these ideals are fulfilled in their entirety.
Authentic Americans value Liberty, Equality and Justice for all above fame, celebrity and fortune and have sworn an oath to give their life defending the Founding Principles and unwaveringly oppose tyrants and their sycophants.
A "Pretendian" is a term often used by Indians to describe someone who falsely claims Indigenous ancestry or cultural identity without any legitimate basis. This term is often applied to individuals who disrespectfully appropriate/change Indigenous cultures or traditions for personal gain (in an effort to seem more exotic or interesting than they really are.)
Similar to a “pretendian”, Black Americans have a play on the term "Foundational Black Americans" (FBAs) — "Fossilized Black Americans."
Just like “Pretendians”, Fossilized Black Americans cling to any minuscule amount of African DNA remnant from their ancestors, to try to legitimately claim that they are part of the black identity in the present (Even if authentic, dark-skinned Black Americans don’t see them as black; Even when they don’t look black; Even when they’re extremely distanced from blackness and black culture)
They are fossils of the former identity that their ancestors embodied.
“Yeah sure, they’re ‘FBA' alright – Fossilized Black Americans (FBAs)”
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a mission with a perfect sound track in red dead redemption 2 and the final mission of the epilogue
american venom is a mission where u shouldn't use dead eye because the sound track is just too perfect
friend 1: "yo did you play american venom"
friend 2: "yeah homes i can't believe people use dead eye in it"
friend "exactly"