Unvoiced for Oh my God.
The /g/ sound is the the voiced cognate of the unvoiced /k/, and the /d/ sound is the voiced cognate of the unvoiced /t/, thus, articulator placement during production cat is identical to the production of the word god. God backwards may be dog, but God unvoiced is cat.
Oh my cat, what a cute houseplant.
When your parents are coming downstairs and you are trying to delete your Newgrounds porn but the tab is frozen. (random event that may happen in 2007)
Eileen: Watches Newgrounds porn even at 16
Jennifer: starts laughing
Dad: goes downstairs
Eileen: Oh fuck no! The tab is frozen and my dad is coming!
Jennifer: oh shit
Oh my Knob is a phrase taken from timed where the school would not let you curse openly. The prase its self is a classin word play of "oh my god" but 'God' is replaced with Life 'Knob' to not break that sacred 3rd amendment. 'Knob' is a slag word for dick which id a word that would not be allowed on school grounds except for lil richard. So what your really saying is "OH MY DICK" but with a clean word for dick.
"Hey billy do your math homework?"
"Oh my knob i forgot!"
A myth from the old ages of 9gag and the Dank-iverse, this divine being has enough dankness to turn every living organism into either Pepe, a banana, Doge, Da Boi, Sausage Girl, or my mom.
Moses smoked weed with The Dank God (OH SHIIEEETTTT WADDUP)
On his soul / on her soul
King said y’all was friends .
Niya ohs he lying
same thing as "LMAO," but "ello may oh"
used ironically most of the time. if not, run.
constantly compared with "luh mao," "ello may oh" holds deep respect for most.
"dude i got a 42 on the history test."
"ello may oh."