Alex is the definition of perfect!!!
Alex is amazing
Who’s Alex
The definition of perfect
A fat ass who fakes illness to stay off school and sits around playing star wars RP all day
An Alex has a fullass beard at 15 years old
Ur such an Alex you look 4 years old but also 53 with that fullass beard of yours
These people despise football to the point they try to avoid it at any cost.
Paul: Hey alex we're playing football in gym today.
Alex: I'm not going to come tomorrow
I love him <3 (I'm saying him because the person I am describing is a boy) :)
also, it means Defender Of The People, so I am guessing he likes to defend people, I experienced it before...Alex defended me :)
Alex is just- I love him so much, plus he defends me :)
A guy that can make some pretty poor and wild decisions and shit but is genuinely a good guy and easy to like.He’s funny, chill, down to earth, and respects girls
Chad: bruh He is wild as fuck
Sara: Ik but at least he is a Alex
An alex is a transman/ none women liker (ik super sadge) who kinda has an addiction to genshin impact which is not poggers,but there a cool person just to be around, they bite a lot and are for somereason not good at video games which imagen being a non gamer kinda cringe so if u ever see one just pat there head and walk away, a way to make an alex mad is to speak about how to sex