Bob makes Kim Kardashian look like a pitbull
willa: yo
everyone: eeeekkkk bob is cool not kim
The cutest person in the history of the world. It's almost impossible to describe the beauty, the grace, the wonderfulness, and the piece of absolute perfection that is Bob. Bob will continue to be perfect while the rest of us mere mortals will cower in complete awe.
Person 1: Is that Bob?
Person 2: OMG, it's Bob! Quick, get on the floor and bow!
A term used by (mostly) Indian men. It is commonly found behind women and, strangely, want to be kissed by (mostly) Indian men. Maybe some Indians know English normally, (no racism there) but most who wanna kiss bobs do not know English very well. bobs is also a short term for boobs, but one would only type that if they were in a hurry.
Bob is another name to say kind, nice and a man who will sweep up a women I seconds. Usually will Mary Donna. He is a young warrior. And always will be
Person 1: “ hey bob you are great”
Bob: “ oh hi you are a great person and I hope you know that
Person 1: “ hey bob your awesome
Bob: “hey thanks for that it was really sweet of you”
A slang term for being under 5’3 and having a small dick. Ironically these people also think they’re 6’0.
I thought I knew what a small dick was until I was with a bobs last night