Source Code

blow my skirt up

Is when something happens that excites you. (Blows you away)

That movie did/didnt blow my skirt up

by Cybergora April 2, 2017

Trumpin' blow

Snorting cocaine from someone's butthole.

I walked in on your dad Trumpin' blow from Judge Judy. It made me sick.

by Skurvy23 August 31, 2017

Blow Your Grill Out

To blast someone in the mouth with your fist. To knock out someone’s chicklet’s for being a loud-mouth prick or just being dense about a subject or topic.

“Hey SMOES, you’re being kind of a dick in Mr Varty’s Class. You better watch out, or Chanel Guydon will blow your grill out at lunch!” And then Kevin Falicki will mess up your fro!

by BizarreRideonTheFarSide August 31, 2022


Da "inefficient" and "resource-wasting" female-on-male equivalent of da classic "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" male-on-female "casual quickie"; it involves da gal's merely getting da guy off with her mouth and then unceremoniously leaving, rather than staying around "after da fun is over" to share conversation and see if maybe a long-term romance might be possible.

I suppose dat "non-romantic" fellatio might indeed have its place on certain occasions (like if a cash-strapped gal needs to "purchase" a guy's one-time emergency-assistance), but dat's definitely not for me... I always make sure to get to know a chick at least a little bit and see if we :"click" before I ask her for oral sex, so dat hopefully there will be more "action" between us than just a blow-bye.

by QuacksO July 23, 2019

Vagina Air Blow

A similar sound to the Queff.

When her vagina air blowed it sounded like a jack hammer, and that's how Jack hammered her.

by Reaper_kitten October 27, 2016

sneaky snow blow

The candain sex act in which you get screwed by your two best friends.

Caitlin and Scott sneaky snow blowed Austin.

by Orange Smurf November 6, 2013

blow stones

Smoke crack

Billy would occasionally be blow stones.

by Pizzacock24786 May 10, 2017