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unicorn moon ride

Noun: A grenade consisting of tequila, jagermeister and red bull, with a cap of mdma in the bottom of the jager shot. The shot glasses are balanced in the rim of the glass filled with red bull so when you drink the tequila, the shot of jager falls into the cup. Drinking a few of these will get you ready to party, garunteed.

Oh man, Jerry just drank his 6th unicorn moon ride... he's gonna be fucked up!

by MagicalUnicorn09 May 6, 2012

Riding a unicycle through a minefield

Taking an extremely treacherous action with extreme consequences for the slightest mistake

Ugh, describing FATAL on YouTube is like riding a unicycle through a minefield.

by November 19, 2024

Ghost Ride

Going fast without leaning left and right during a street race.

Top speed. Ghost ride without leaning left and right.

by Death0A June 21, 2015

Ghost ride

A sexual act in which one of the participants puts a sheet over their body while engaging in sexual intercourse.

"I put a sheet over her then she did the ghost ride on me."

by SarahRichmond January 26, 2010