Source Code

tacos de caca

poop tacos = tacos de caca

tacos de caca tacos de caca tacos de caca tacos de caca
ta- ta- ta- ta-

tacos de caca tacos de caca
tacos de caca caca caca tacos de caca caca caca tacos de caca tacos de caca tacos de caca

by HumanusAustralis December 16, 2022

Salty Taco Dick

What you tell people you really mean when you say that you have an STD. Which really isn’t much better than having an actual STD..pretty much a lateral move.

Devin: Hey Chris, Linda told me that you have an STD. Really unfortunate, I’m sorry to hear that.

Chris: No no, I don’t have an STD, it stands for salty taco dick.

Devin: Oh..ok tight.

by Kenny and Dan February 28, 2019

Taco Bell titties

When you eat so much Taco Bell and all of the fat goes to your breasts.

I've had Taco Bell so many times this month, I'm starting to get Taco Bell titties.

by JoshleenTrash March 22, 2016

Hot taco salad

Hot taco salad is when your girl asks her to eat her out after eating hot wings.

My gir land I went out and ate some hot wings for dinner. She took me to her place and wanted me to give her a hot taco salad.

by Tibereas March 13, 2017

Taco Twelve Pack

1. A party or Orgy with any multiple of twelve girls (eg. 12, 24, 36...)

2. When A guy comes to a party with twelve girls, he is bringing a Taco Twelve Pack

-Hey babe, it's taco night! invite your friends and we can make it a taco twelve pack

-With the taco twelve pack, you don't go to parties, you ARE the party

-why only drink on the weekend? Have a Taco Twelve Pack Tuesday, and really get the party going.

by Franklin Alexander June 12, 2011

Taco Bell Baby

A taco bell baby is the feeling you get after you eat taco bell. You think your stomach looks big, and you feel larger after eating taco bell. When you shit it out, it feels like you have just given birth to a baby, but it was really your taco bell. You feel the bloating go away, like you just lost baby weight.

"Ouch, that must have been my taco bell baby." Jessa says.
"Oof, that is going to hurt when you have to shit it out." Jessa's mom says.

by Tessa1234589 July 17, 2018

Taco Bell Baby

The enormous dimp you have to take after eating taco bell. It is called that because it makes your stomach grow and the feeling of shitting it out if like giving birth. Though it is painful before and while you give birth to it, it feels amazing once it's gone.

Oh.. I think I'm about to give birth to my taco bell baby... OWWWWWWWWW AGHHHHHHHHHHH the baby comes out, splashing water on her ass ahhh wow ^v^

by Qwertyuiopasdfghjkllkjhgfdsapo December 22, 2020