adj That one kid with the fake leg thats annoying ash
Kyle: bro can you please stop acting like an alex timmy:shut up kyle its who i am
THe most disgusting guy around. His head literally has a million zits. Rumors say that he uses the same toothbrush to clean his toilet.
What an alex he is.
An alex is a dumb bum they will do dumb stuff for money and buy their freinds random crap on fortnite. When you are approaching an alex make sure you have a knife they might pounce and frogger you.
Alex is dumb bum
Alex is a sexy man who loves fuckin girls and had sex in year 7 and has a giant cock with a lot of hair. He is very religious pedo
Alex. Last white man to be speared by an aboriginal - North Queensland
Alex Is a sweet, caring and wonderful person. Someone who can always cheer you up when your sad, and hug you tight and make sure youre okay when you cry. Alex will always be there for you even at your worst. They have gorgeous eyes, ones you fall in love with and can look at for hours has amazing hair gives the best cuddles and kisses, and amazing looks. And he always makes you feel special. Everyone needs an “Alex” in their life. If you ever find an Alex Never let them go.
Alex is the love of my life
Im gonna marry you one day Alex, i promise you
The hottest, most beautiful, unique, and amazing girl you will ever meet.
Person 1: Wow she's so amazing.
Person 2: I know, shes such an Alex.