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French word for: “Get a fucking life!”

Person: Hey dude, wanna go get drunk?
Me: Oh fortnite!

by Zagxuhn November 15, 2019


A popular battle royale game, that has surpassed PUBG in playerbase, due to this, butthurt PUBG fans feel attacked since they paid 18 dollars for a worse and less popular game, and in a desperate attempt at retaliation, started referring to fortnite players as virgins and "ugly ass niggas"

Asshole PUBG fan/Hypermasculine Chad: hurr durr, dah fortnite is for de virginsae whu neuer get aqshion in bedd, hurr durr.
Fortnite player/Person with common sense: Do you know what an argument is?

by Oh look! Common sense! March 9, 2018


Litterly best game and I play it all the time

Fortnite is life, like yo have you guys seen those shirts its like fortnite eat sleep lmao

by fortnite12313123 November 22, 2021


The most fucking cringiest game in the planet which every 7 year old fucks and thinks there the best at

Omg look Jonathan I’m so good at Fortnite get you ass on I’ll actually shit in you no pubes kid hop on

by Ipsy Jack YT September 29, 2020


A gayifyed Pubg. Fortnite looks like Pubg Jr. It was made by Epic Games. The game is available on PC, Mac, PS4, PS4 Pro, XBox1,

XBox1 S ,XBox1 X, IOS/IPhone. It's looks like something Disney would make for a video game. The game has 3 modes Squads where there is 90-100 people playing and there are 4 people on your team, Duos where there is 90-100 people playing and 2 people are on your team, and Solos where it is a 90-100 player PVE. When you win you get a Battle Royale and GayShits post about it in their Snapchat Story.

Fortnite player:Hey man wanna play Fortnite
Pubg Player: Fuck you are you gay or something?
Fortnite player: No Fuck you
Fortnite player:Hey do you wanna play Fortnite?
Fortnite player 2: Fuck Yeah go to Tilted.

by Buttered_Biscuits_ April 11, 2018



Fortnite is for gay babies that play

by fAzE_FrickBoy November 5, 2018


A game fully released in 2017 where people love to spam you with a cum shooting gun that explodes in your face and then proceed to dance on you like cringe 10 year olds.

Person 1: do you play Fortnite?

Person 2: yes I love all the skins

Person 1: like what?

Person 2: spiderman and Ironman etc.

Person 1: so do you like Marvel

Person 2: what's that?

Person 1: the company with those characters

Person 2: so they copied Fortnite?

Person 1: *face palm*

by guyfromfortnite November 5, 2022