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All the world and his sister!

A figure of speech (commonly used in Israel), meaning that too much people (to many) are involved with the issue.

Q: Have you participated in the party last Saturday?

A: All the world and his sister been there!

by Yaron Dror March 20, 2005

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All hopped up on goofballs

When you're high on cocaine

After I did a couple lines,, man was I all hopped up on goofballs !

by RayRay's bad for you Chris... February 18, 2017

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A.W.A.C. ( all white and concerned )

A.W.A.C. ( all white and concerned )
That fake, heightened sense of concern that white people show when ,in reality, they just dont care.

Well yeah she had to be "A.W.A.C. ( all white and concerned )" at the meeting, it was an NAACP meeting for christs sake!

by Eddie to the O July 22, 2011

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All Dogs go to Heaven

A 1989 animated children's film directed by Don Bluth and released by United Artists. It tells the story of Charlie B. Barkin, a German Shepherd, who plots to seek revenge against his former business partner, Carface; after he kills Charlie, but a watch brings him back from the dead. He uses a little girl who Carface has been holding hostage due to her ability to talk to animals, to help him get revenge.

All Dogs go to Heaven was a realtear jerker at the end.

by LAZI June 19, 2017

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All Out Ball Out

All Out Ball Out. When someone has sex with as many girls as they possibly can in a restricted time domain. Usually involved with heavy drug use and alcohol.

"Hey Jack you weren't at work yesterday, what did you do the other night?"

"Bro, I was like a champ! It was an all out ball out... then call out."

by Mitchy boy March 28, 2008

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All up in your shit

butting in business that doesn't involve u

And my mom was like all up in my shit last night on why i got home so late

by a person December 13, 2003

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It's all good gravy baby.

Used in the same context as

"it's all good."

Man I hate my life.

"it's all good gravy baby."

by sames310 December 19, 2007

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