something u eat but u don't know how u eat it because it looks like a rabbit but its not a rabbit its a cookie
is this a cookie no its a rabbit wait idk what it is or how u eat it.
a female Vagina, or a kids snack such as chips ahoy, or the popular brand known as Oreo, but mostly a womans Vagina.
Duuuuude did you see that girls cookie last night? i ate it up!!
a yoommy snack
Bob: Can I have cookie please?
Jack: Yes of course *gives cookie*
Bob: thanks man
def1: A baked dessert made of dough and chocolate
def2: A persons vagina
ex1: I ate your cookie while you were asleep, sorry
ex2: I ate your cookie while you were asleep, sorry
A…AAAAA~ sound because it’s so good
Grandma: shit
The ugly toe of a girl that just went down on you. You proceed to bang her and she sticks her mangy feet in your mouth and says, don't look away that's just my toe cookie banging your mouth.
Taste my toe cookie as you thrust into my hot box.