The Spanish version of a mamel toe.
Pablo: "Matteo you are sporting a dedo de camello."
Tomas: "Si Pablo, Matteo's pants are too tight, that bulge is muy unbecoming."
Matteo: "Gracias Pablo y Tomas."
That nauseated, there-is-no-hope feeling, that comes on after reading blogging that doesn't exactly cover the medium in glory.
Q: "Hey, man, haven't seen you post to the blogs in the last few days".
A: "Yeah. I had a research paper to do on Christian blogs, and I've still got a pretty bad case of mal de blog.
Very entertaining and chilled
My nigga is Vasco De sgama
Rapper & Producer from The Netherlands
Have you heard the new song from Vincent de Boer?
“Yeah, its an absolute banger!”
its a type of mexican dish, like a taco but from the bionicle universe
hey can i have a tahu de lewa?
yes here are your tahus de lewa
A very popular but short poem in dutch. It means: "I love you." You can kinda compare it to "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
Emma: "Jan, flikker van de trap af🥺."
Jan: "Awh, i love you too Emma"
/de-luhks-max-eng/ (verb.)
The Practice of making yourself seem unattractive to get less women/men. Usually the hottest people do this if they're tired of all the attention.
Alex is such a de-looksmaxxer. He de-loosmaxxes every day to make himself less attractive.
De-looksmaxxing: The Practice of making yourself seem unattractive to get less women/men. Usually the hottest people do this if they're tired of all the attention.