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Belly Button Rape

To put your finger in someone's belly button for more than 8 seconds. It is then classed as rape.

"You put your finger in my belly button for 12 seconds, that counts as belly button rape"

by Raybabe December 13, 2011

418πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

Raping Little Suzy

A Shock Story on the internet that will probably make you mentally scarred unless you're a peadophile, rapist, AND you have no soul. Can be found on Encyclopedia Dramatica.. Read it, if you dare.

Stan: Hey, Dave. Why is Link having a seizure?

Dave: He read Raping Little Suzy.

Link: God help us all... D:

by Yeahborrh. April 8, 2011

24πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Rape Me

When something so good happens and you want your friend's support

OMG I'm on the urban dictionary, rape me

by ChinaDan April 5, 2017

5πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

National Rape Day

A day where rape is acceptable (it is never acceptable, if you rape sombody, rot in hell!). This day was made by men who think rape is funny and not something that is harmful. They also think harrasment, pedophilia, sexual harrasment, and much more is acceptable. Rape is a horrible thing. Stay safe ladies and all those who identify as female. It is said to be April 24th, so be extra careful. Try to have an item to protect yourself with at all times; taser, pepper spray, knife (if legal), brass knuckles or knuckle knives. A pen is also somewhat effective. Your elbow is a very strong bone. Stay safe y'all.

Someone identified as male: *whistles or tries to touch identified female*
Someone identified as female: leave me alone
Someone identified as male: chill shawty, its national rape day *says slurs of any sort*
Someone identified as female: that's not a real thing, leave me the fuck alone
Someone identified as male: *tries to get substantially closer*
Someone identified as female: *staps (with self defense object), jabs male in face with elbow or kick in crotch area, anything and runs*

remember, you are valid, you are not an object, stay safe. or at lease know how to use your elbow bone to jab. also you can keep a pen in your posession to stap with.

by a girl who cares about people April 14, 2021

162πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

National Rape Day

It’s not a joke it’s not fucking funny

National rape day

No more raping girls or making jokes about rape it’s not cool

by Sal Fischer April 24, 2021

30πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Hair Cut Rape

When the first cut of a hair cut is so short you have no choice but to submit to a bad hair cut.

I just wanted a few inches off the top but before I knew it I got hair cut raped, now I have to wear a hat for a week.

by hypefish July 28, 2010

21πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Barbarian rape

When ur archer queen takes off her pants on her period

Person1-hey it’s an archer queen

Archer queen- takes off her pants

Earth-explodes barbarian rape

by ThomasJefferson69 November 29, 2018

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž