Crack swag is the attitude one possesses when hustling drugs, or for drug money. Can also use crack swag to earn a living, such as manipulating those, or pan handeling using what you have learned being a drug addict.
"He used his crack swag to make a few bucks on the block."
Another name for vaginal discharge
Her aloe crack is the best chapstick in the world
"Oi, you call these 'chips' instead of crispity crunchy munchie cracker jack snacker nibbler snap crack and pop westpool chestershire shire queen's lovely jubbly delights? That's a rather bit cringe innit bruv."
Music made for the soul purpose of being catchy enough to make it on the radio, usually grouped with bad lyrics and the same exact background music as every other crack pop song. Example: Taylor Swift's Shake It Off/Katy Perry's Firework
Did you hear T-Swift put out a new album?
Yeah, its all crack pop, though.
to smoke marijuana specifically a blunt as one has to "crack" a blunt before it can be rolled.
"Yo, come over my house and let's crack one"
To fart.
Synonyms: rip one, blow one, cut one
Donkey: "Oooo, Shrek, did you just do that? Man, you oughta warn someone when you crack one like that!"
Shrek: "Believe me, Donkey, If that had been me, you'd have been dead. (*inhales*) It's brimstone."
Being a Butt Wiser is the act of becoming a real wise-cracker and smart-ass through the act of smoking a glass crack pipe through your booty. You will then become known as both a pipe cracker and a crack piper, interchangeably.
"If you're begging for my root, I am afraid you'll rutabaga me booty. If you chew and swallow rutabagas, they will end up in your doodie. If you smoke a smart-ass crack pipe out of your booty, you'll be a butt wiser inside the crack piper of the mind's doodie."