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cool beans

Another name for the drug ecstacy

"Jerry you got the cool beans?"

by Charlie P May 31, 2006

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Wild WillaWanna Bean

Another term for penis

wheres scott?, at home wackin his wild willawanna bean.

by Gicklepotomus February 22, 2003

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lonely smol bean

when you and your friends pretend your lonely.

Emma: we can be lonely smol beans!

by xoxo._.em January 15, 2018

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navy bean soup

Defined as the act of a bunch of pissed off sailors sent to wash dishes down at scullery in the galley made a special soup by ejaculating together in a soup pot. the key ingredients are sea men, cream of some young guy, BEANERS, and various spices. usually served on the mess decks this soup has feed the crew for years.

todays special is Navy bean soup prepared by the crew.

by fartfhennoggin March 7, 2012

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Beans said Homer.

โ€œBeansโ€ said Homer. comes from the childrenโ€™s book Whoโ€™s the Pest A Homer Story. Homer is the main character in the book and would always respond to situations with his catchphrase โ€œBeansโ€. But when you use the slang reference in conversation itโ€™s said altogether โ€œbeans said Homerโ€. It exclaims disappointment or frustration.

Person A: Your car insurance is probably gonna go be a of your car accident.

Person B: Beans said Homer.

by RashodSmith May 15, 2019

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Luke is a Fat Bean

"Luke is a Fat Bean" is about a childish boy of around seven causing mischief around his kin and peers. Its author is Stephanie Hephanie, who is Thiccy Niccy & Jessica's best friend. Thiccy Niccy is currently experiencing backlash for farting online and filming it, but she's still a star, because she's dating Luke the Fart, the astounding star in "A Wrinkle in My Grandma's Ear." Jessica is a nobody. Anyway... "Luke is a Fat Bean" stars Luke the Fart. Luke farts around his grandma, causing her to receive an epilepsy seizure. Next, he farts next to Aunt Vivien, causing her a heart attack. Obviously, Luke the Fart is a very supportive child. I think you should read the book!

"Have you read 'Luke is a Fat Bean' yet?" Ronald asked.
"Not yet... I hear it's an emotional and amazing story, though," Jessica replies.
"Wow-You haven't read it yet!? It's really popular, and they're making it into a movie, starring the REAL Luke the Fart!"
"OMGZIES! NO WAY!?" Jessica shouts excitedly.

by big boi gay January 30, 2019

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Caught Eating Beans

Adj. 1.)This word describes a negative action in which one has done the unthinkable, unbelievable, and in public. This usually starts off small, such as putting on the wrong shoes, or having a stain on your shirt. However, the absolute boiling point is when one tries to use the urinal as a toilet, and gets called out for it.
2.)This could also be used in a more literal way, such as eating a can of beans in an inappropriate place. This definition is more of a misdemeanor, but will be met harshly by one's peers and friends.

Ex.1) Govna Quentin: Oi bruv, 'ows this possible?! This isn't the right book I need to turn in!

Library Bloke: Looks like ya just got caught Eating Beans!

Ex.2) Movie Bloke: Oops...*Can of open beans falls on shirt*

Movie Goer: Bruh, are you really eating beans?

Movie Bloke: Yeet

Movie Goer: Why you Eating Beans while we're watching Cars 2, niBBa? Hey everyone, this nigga eatin' Beans!!

Literally everyone: lololololololo

by Suicidal Youtuber #43 September 11, 2018

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