A really sweet person!
Oh yeah and also he is spider-man.
Tom Holland is funny.
A hot man. His abs can kill within seconds.
Dang, I just saw “Uncharted” and Tom Holland is in it. I almost died in the scene he worked out shirtless. My friends took pictures!
Tom Holland (who’s full name is Thomas Stanley Holland) is a Native Of southwest London (darling 🤓), and many can argue that he is the best Spider-Man ever. He’s been in many Marvel movies, for example, “Captain America civil war” (2016) “Spider-Man Homecoming” (2017) “Avengers Infinity war” (2018) “Avengers Endgame” (2019) and “Spider-Man Far from home” (2019). Tom has also had several other roles, but most people discovered him from Marvel movies. He’s very talented, and can dance really well. He had also made an appearance on lip sync battle, with his good friend Zendaya.
Friend 1: “Who’s Tom Holland?”
Me: “He’s a super Talented actor who deserves the whole world.”
The most perfect person to ever exist
OMG, Tom Holland is so amazing!
A wholesome human being who has a large loyal fanbase. Doesn't know how to say Croissant properly, says it like "quackson". Is Peter Parker in the most recent Spiderman movies. Has incredible chemistry with his co star and long time best friend Zendaya. He has been reportedly been dating Zendaya since September 2021 when they got papped kissing at a red light in one of their cars. Tom Holland has also been in Avengers movies and the film Cherry where he shaved his head for the role.
Tom Holland was seen at the set for Spiderman: No Way Home last Thursday