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This definition should be enough for neckbearded pony humpers to stop using that game as a laughing stock of reddit.

A game hated on by neckbearded, pony humping, reddit incel minecraft fanbabies.

I personally don't understand the hate for the game. I think it's a good game in my opinion. FUCK THE MICROTRANSACTIONS! It's the gameplay I'm talking about. It's like you're playing Minecraft and Gears Of War. I think the graphics look perfect for an 8th gen console and any future consoles like the PS5. It's kinda like a Nintendo game combined with a Microsoft Xbox or Sony PlayStation exclusive game in my opinion.

And I'm tired of the unoriginal FoRtNiTe BaD MiNeCrAfT GoOd memes uttered by brainless redditors and 4channers who think they're a "contrarian" because they bash the game when in reality, they're just a 300 pound basement dweller who marries his anime bodypillow. They even go far to call all people who play it "Virgins" when they don't even know what a girlfriend is.

I think the collaborations with other characters are cool. Seeing characters I grew up with like Kratos from God Of War and Master Chief from Halo. I'm also tired of the stereotype that all Fortnite players are 9 year olds. Do you see the T rating? It means it's for teens!

What pisses me off, is that if someone mentions Fortnite or Anything that has the slightest trace of Fortnite, they'll be trolled and bombarded with hate comments, downvotes, and death threats. People can be cruel sometimes.

Anyone who hates Fortnite is a Graphics Whore and or a neckbearded Minecraft, PUBG, and Call Of Duty Fanboy.

by Maya Butreeks April 8, 2021


A game that commonly causes men to lose their girlfriends.
The only and best way to piss someone off is with the 6 damage shotgun, it's sent from satan himself.

" My homie just lost his girlfriend after he got 6 damage from his shotgun and the other person got a headshot with 250 damage. It was clearly satan. I hope he doesn't quit fortnite. "
- Homie

by NightwhisperOwO June 21, 2018


a great game but people need to get out more , i saw a full 3 minutes on my snapchat of one persons wins !!!!!

Random Dude 1 " Hey bro invite me to a party on PS4/XBOX , so we can play Fortnite"
His Friend " yeah dude lets go for that VICTORY ROYALE "

that VICTORY ROYALE will be all over their snapchat just you watch

by randomroadmanTing February 13, 2018



Fortnite is trash

by ijusthitmyselfinthenose October 24, 2019


A game that is typically played by boys who has no life. This game is for boys that cannot get a girl and if they do have a girl they pay more attention to the game rather than their girlfriend. Also boys who play this game always post their wins (oftenly referred to as “dubs”) on Snapchat even though most people don’t care.

Boy: sorry I’m playing fortnite can’t talk rn talk to u later.

Girl: We’re over.

by TheTruther6969 March 19, 2018


An invasive disease, formally known as CANCER.

My brother caught fortnite. "aw sorry man."

by 0W0_69 July 26, 2019


A better version of PUBG
Fortnite is a game played by virgins

Hey john wanna go out on a date?
No im busy playing fortnite...

by Dutchfag March 5, 2018