When a mediocre individual is in a relationship with a hot person (a 10/10 or a snack) and that person makes them more attractive. The sauce to their bland nugget.
Candice is such a sauce! Why is she with Jerome?
The mess you have to clean off your toilet after a terrible Mexican dinner.
Guy 1: Dude did you see that toilet? Its covered in some major texas booty sauce.
Guy 2: yeah man, who ever did that must have had some bad Mexican food
The Act Of Finishing Inside Your Girl Before She Tells You She's On Her Period Creating "The Secret Sauce"
Savage -Ay Bruh Emily Was On Her Period Last Night .
Friend-Damn Sorry To Hear That.
Savage- Yeah I Know Bro. When I Pulled Out After I Finished, The Secret Sauce Was Everywhere!
A goofy gamer boy who dresses like a grandpa
Very pashinet about music and lame dad's jokes
Meme collector
pro HBG pew pew user
The best companion with the most calming and soothing voice
Multitalented and hard working guy with a big biggg heart
The person who says "Good morning, Angie🦀"
Bob sauce, you're a big jar of awesome sauce who i want to be good friends with for the longest time :))
It's when you eat an onion to make your cum thick.
Dude, I just pulled it out of her butt, and shot it on the back of her head. It was thick as yak sauce, you know kind of like elmers glue poring out.
1. When sour crout and apple sauce is mixed together.
2. Often used as an exclaim when something is dropped or messed up.
1. "Hey, I just made some sour crapple sauce, if you want any. "
2. "(Sour) crapple sauce! That was not supposed to end up on the floor!"
1. When sour crout and apple sauce are mixed together.
2. Often an exclaim when something is dropped or messed up.
1. "Hey, I just made some sour crapple sauce, if you want any?"
2. "(Sour) crapple sauce! That was not supposed to end up on the ground!"