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reason you suck speech

When you tell someone who you're incredibly pissed off with or just generally someone you don't like every single reason why you don't like them.

(Apparently you have to have the word reason you suck speech in this so i just put it here)

I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing. But now that I see you, I think I understand. There’s just nothing inside you. Nothing at all. You’re pathetic and sad and empty.

by kimwest October 25, 2014

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suck my cock mum

Something you say when your dad is away

Suck my cock mum.

by dell lo September 21, 2020

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cock sucking pile of shit

A sobriquet for an utter disgrace of a human being. A synergistic combination of person that is both worse than excrement and worse than a cum guzzler.

Donald Trump is a cock sucking pile of shit

by Twice removed November 22, 2021

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Suck your mum tits

British offensive
used when expressing anger.

Go and suck your mum tits

by Jim54378 May 12, 2019

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National Suck a Ballsack Day

On June 17th, all are welcome to suck the most sweaty ballsack they please to. After all, it is National Suck a Ballsack Day every June 17th.

excuse me sir may I please suck your ballsack?

is it National Suck a Ballsack Day?

Yep, it's June 17th.

by ButtFartMegaShitCuntTittyAss June 17, 2019

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Sucking a biscuit on West Street

Being a prostitute; giving BJ's for money

Teacher: Wear shorts that short again Sarah and you're gonna end up sucking a biscuit on West Street

by JamesCurry June 1, 2016

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National dick sucking day

June 15th Keydy will suck Anthony πŸ†

Damn keydy it’s National dick sucking day, you know what that means

by 7606267 June 13, 2018

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