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The best country in the world. It has the most freedom, the best government, the greatest people, and is one of the more powerful nations. If you don't like it, YOU CAN GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE BECAUSE YOUR PROBABLY CANADIAN ANYWAY.

"Hey dude do you like Canada?"

"Did you really just ask me that? Their army consists of men on horses...and their bacon is not even bacon...."

"So do you like it?"


by Your mom is a gilf November 3, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


America...a great nation currently on its back...America has had some troubled years sure, but still some how, they still are the world power? America may fall apart, but we always rebuild stronger than we were before. The way the economy is built makes it so it is SUPPOSED to go down, its just built to go up a little higher than it was before it fell. America is a great country that the English should be proud of, not hate because we no longer 'belong' to them.

Lets get into a little history here.
The English DID NOT and I repeat DID NOT give America its independence, Minute men fought long and hard. The English did not sacrifice all those boats, guns, ammo, gun powder and lives of their own loyal people, just to 'give' us our Independence. Still don't believe me? go to a actually dictionary for once and look up give/gave, believe me now? alrighty then lets move on.

The English...are A fine people...but They are not perfect...they Have problems of their own, even though they pretend they don't. In history England has brought up some of the finest Arts in the world, America has brought few. Wait...thats Not fair...America Isan't near as old as England, so why should they get glory for being older? Give America a few hundred years and we will show just as many arts as you dam well please.

In the little time we've had as a country we have brought up the most technology one country can make. England...Plays and paintings are beautiful, but our art is technology.

"Americans are selfish with their technology, we British shared our technology with the world!"

1.If we invent the tech...we would like to use it...if we gave everything away we would have nothing left.

2. We give eco tech to other countries
Example: Currently America is building reflective mirrors that increase the suns energy for solar panels...and giving it to Spain.

3. England did NOT 'give' tech to just anyone, they gave it to people they had power over, the people they could control what they did with it and how much of it they used.

"Without the British Americans would be living in caves"

wow really?...Ok...another history lesson.

American Revolution
Location: England/English colony

This particular colony came from the main land
This colony were loyalists, just the same as any chap in London.
These chaps didn't like their government
They wanted their own government
They became BRITISH rebels with English accent and all.
Fought against government
government fought back
government had no choice but to give up
Rebel ENGLISHMEN 'become' Americans.
Thus Americans and Englishman ARE THE SAME.

Americans don't hate British through old wounds, in fact the Americans tried to keep strong ties with the British, for the Grand Union flag is an example of the Americans trying to stay friends with their old country. They put the union jack in the corner with the 13 red and white stripes...english didn't want to keep ties, so we said screw it and flag developed from there.

Americans and Englishman should have no reason to fight anymore, THE FIGHTING IS OVER! HAS BEEN FOR CENTURIES!
We are the same...we have similar beliefs...we go about them pretty much the same...cause If you notice we fight the same wars. War in Iraq, war on substance abuse, yada yada. Can we please just be friends? lets remake our grand union flag together!

American revolution

by Unsuperior April 28, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž


The result of failed contraception in Britain, France, Spain and Africa's incestual love affair orgy which created a life-form as flawed and corrupt as all of the participant's put together.

They called it America and left it to verment for a while when it started crying. It eventually got really fat, ugly, thin, beautiful, liberal, extreme, god-fearing and atheistically-insane all at the same time.

Mother 1- Can I see a picture of your eldest.
Mother 2- (Embarassed) Ok.
Mother 1- Wow... she is sure a...
Mother 2- Yep, she's an America.


Lukey English- I'm off to America then, Dad.
Jake English- Be careful, son. You could become a God-fearing super rich movie star or become a father to your sister's mother's uncle's baby in a caravan park in new jersey by the flip of a coin.

by uwanttruthitellz May 10, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of being torn apart from the inside.

I found the scene where the alien baby pulls an America on the mother-to-be rather disturbing.

by SoulDestroy July 27, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A great country that despite its flaws is much better than most other countries in the world. The system of punishment and law enforcement is more fair than any other country, America has the most freedom out of any country, and most people who hate on America are people who don't live in America, or get the short end of the stick. Granted, there will be people in every country who work harder than everyone else yet seem to get cheated, and these people all hate the country where they live.
There are people who make more money than anywhere else, and some of them are complete jerks who don't help others, and many people judge the whole nation based on a few people's actions. There are people who work extremely hard and earn their money. There are people who make tons of money, or not much money at all, and they help others. But why would anybody hear of these people? You only hear about the rich and famous.
So the whole world judges America on what the media portrays, and because America is the land of the Free, the media can say whatever they want. Unless you know and share both sides of the story about America, no comments either way should be shared.

American: Hi, I'm an intelligent scientist devoting my life to bettering mankind, and making money for myself while I do so.
American: Hi, I work really hard and don't get paid nearly as much as I should and live a hard life.
American: Hi, I got a lot of money from my parents and will keep it all for myself.
American: Hi, I've given away all my money and spent my whole life helping those less fortunate.
American: Hi, I risked my life to leave my country get to this country because of the opportunities it can provide for those who work hard.
American: I'm a part of the government and I do all that I can to make the country a better place to live.
American: I'm a part of the government and I do what I want.
American: I own a bunch of guns and go hunting.
American: I work my ass off to put bad people behind bars and keep people safe.
American: I'm a serial killer.
American: I fight to keep freedom around the world.
American: I will die to protect another person.

by Anonymous0330 April 7, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


piss country that doesn't not treat themselves fairy, tries to any royals or people that of old hierarchy from Europe.

Cannobals in America eat Blue Blooded Slovakians and relatives to the Queen of England then leave at least the Blue Blooded to die.

America has killed every kind hearted royal and any earth angels that might have ever exhisted.

After America ate a royal or two, it got beyond drunk and played with a lot of ugly strippers with too much make up on.

America ate a royal or two in the beginning after the freak about tampons. America ate a few more in the middle and said the tampons have to end. America finished the royals off and never knew that what they did will not turn out for them in the end.

by candyheartzsz September 26, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


the land of opportunity

america is the land of opportunity

by urbanmadman April 18, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž