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birthday suit


ill strut in my birthday suit, and let everything hang loose

by dotdotdash April 15, 2011

237πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Punch

The act of running up to someone (usually a friend), and punching them (traditionally on their shoulder) on their birthday. Sometimes, when a person has many friends, they will all come up and get many punches in before they stop. Sometimes you can leave a bruise mark on them or you might cause them to cry.

β€œBro we gave Him a birthday punch in the morning and he cried like a wuss. I know he was our friend but i didn’t know he would cry like that.”

by SCRU FACE March 19, 2019

24πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Birthday spankings

To strike the ass of a person on their birthday, giving them the amount of swats as their age(for example, a 16 year old would get 16 whacks to the butt). This practice originated in North America as a way to celebrate someone's birthday. There are several ways to do birthday spankings: over the knee, bent over furniture, under the arm, or everyone lines up with their legs spread apart so the birthday boy/girl can crawl under their legs and as they pass by you, you swat their buttocks. Usually, one or all of the parties involved get sexual ensure out of this

Come over my knee, it's time for your birthday spankings

by Novanilla January 26, 2015

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

golden birthday

the year you turn the same age as your birthdate.

This year is my golden birthday -- I'm turning 15 on the 15th!

by South And West September 23, 2006

251πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Week

The week after one's birthday, when they transform into a major diva for a whole week. During this period, the "Birthday Diva" as they are referred to receive everything they wish, and do things that are outrageous. This is extremely serious during a 16th Birthday.

Jack- Has anyone noticed Michele has been a total bitch ever since her party last Tuesday?
Bill- My brother told me its called a Birthday Week, when a person goes into a diva rampage for a whole week...

by twojscanthurt June 14, 2011

55πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Half birthday

You're birthday but half the way inbetween your birthday from the previous and next year (:

WOOOOH! My half birthday in a week!

by yapdizap April 4, 2009

57πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Week

A week surrounding your birth date where you do things each day to celebrate with those you love or to do things you enjoy. It takes the pressure off the day itself needing to be massive and is a time to celebrate the good relationships in your life and thankfulness for all you have.

Anna has a wonderful birthday week where she had coffee with a couple of friends, spent time watercolour painting and had a small gathering with friends in the weekend. It filled her tank and reminded her of all the good in her life.

by Quinnator June 26, 2021

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž