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burning desire

Something you feel like you must do.

I have a burning desire to eat all this bread.

by ASRlEL August 22, 2018

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burn and return

The act of renting a movie and burning it as soon as you get home and then returning it so you can repeat the process.

Tom : "Man I don't have any good movies here."

Jack : "Say, you should burn and return like me..........I have thousands of "back-ups" I ripped from DVD's from Blockbuster."

by civicsi99 December 30, 2005

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Burn It Down

Verb. To go out with the specific intention of achieving a level of inebriation so intense, that when you finally wake up from your binge-indused dirtnap blackout, you can only assume that you have burned your life to the ground.

Present tense;
- Hey, what are you boys up to tonight?

- Dude, we're gonna burn it down big time. Probably not coming back from one, just gonna push the boat out and let it sail

Past tense;
- Hey, what the hell happened to you last night?
- Dude, we burned it down so hard last night, I'm fairly certain my body is now 90% alcohol, probably been fired from my job and the bank will have foreclosed on what's left of my house...

by J.Manstrong December 26, 2016

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Burning a mule

The act of taking a steamy dump....

Mark went to hand in his form, but HR was out burning a mule.

by Katelynne81 November 17, 2005

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ice burn

1. (noun): an insult so harsh, that it is both freezing and red hot. Often used sarcastically, like after "your mom" jokes.
2. (verb): to insult in the manner described above.

1. Bob: "I was playing Madden 2007 last night."
Steve: "I was playing with YOUR MOM last night!"
Bob: "Ohhhhh, ICE BURN!

2. Steve: I totally ice burned you back there.
Bob: Yeah. Totally.

by Pete of Seatown October 15, 2006

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burning calories

1. particularly good sex

1. I didn't get any sleep, we were burning calories all night.

by otay May 19, 2005

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burn bottle

A bottle of liquor which can be "burned", or abandoned, if necessary. Burning the bottle is a last resort to avoid getting into shit at a concert, high school dance, AA meeting, DUI checkpoint, or other venue where outside alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden.

Bro 1: Hey dude, what happened to you at Homecoming?? I heard you got suspended.

Bro 2: Vice Principle Donnelly caught me with my burn bottle in the bathroom. I didn't have a chance to burn it in time.

Bro 1: BROOOO!!!

by The Don Babyface Killah August 26, 2013