When a male overdoses on ehancement pills and their extremely large erection fights back. The enlarged johnson will then continue to wreak havoc on any other sexual partners involved. Combat Crotch can also effect the possesor by: bruising, major diarrhea, and sudden death.
"Dude my Viagra gave me Combat Crotch last night and it completely destroyed that bitch! Luckily I only shit my pants."
One of the best games in 2001, for its amazing sunflowers and graphical resolutions. It was only available on Xbox and PC sadly.
“Hey Dude wanna do Some Halo Combat Evolved?”
The back-and-forth dance that characters in a video RPG do to show they are still active.
That's Cloud there, doing the combat waddle.
The pejorative name used to describe a soldier, or veteran of the US armed forces who is working, or has worked in a combat related role (usually infantry), who is at least one of the following:
A) Overly concerned with comparing his/her job, and/or experience with other military roles.
B) Condescending of others' lack of combat experience, regardless of the targeted entity's current, or past military involvement; Often perceiving them as inferior, either physically, or psychologically.
C) Frequently mentioning past combat-related experiences, either in the form of stories, or gratuitous comments during contextually unrelated social situations. (IE. Parties, work, vacations etc.)
The above circumstances are speculated to stem from a strong need for validation, admiration, or used as a façade to hide his/her insecurities.
Jim: "Wow! It sure is hot outside today."
Amy: "Tell me about it; I started sweating right away!"
John "Pshh, you wouldn't know real heat unless you spent a summer in Kandahar.."
Jim to Amy: "Jeez, what a Combat-Queen."
The Area between dating and the friend zone, when all of your boy trying to smash
Dude I sliped in the combat zone now I'm stuck in the friend zone
A game that is basically the successor to Fistitown on ROBLOX. It was made by chrisshiu08 and involves fighting styles with mostly skill to fight well, it has multiple fighting styles, more than Fisti and has been in development for a while. The game involves drama, messing around, and consists of a small community. It is fun if you practice but is still in the making and is constantly being worked on.
"yo man lets play combatant"
"nah bro u too good, u make me mad"
"lmao get over it"