Super Crooks is a superhero anime streaming television series based on the comic book series of the same name by writer Mark Millar and artist Leinil Francis Yu. The series was written by Dai Satō from Millar's story, and it was directed by Motonobu Hori in his solo directorial debut. The 13-episode series premiered on Netflix worldwide on November 25, 2021. It serves as a spin-off to Jupiter's Legacy. In June 2021, a live-action Super Crooks series and second spin-off from the simultaneously-cancelled Jupiter's Legacy was announced to be in active development.2
Guy 1 : have you seen Super Crooks
Guy 2 : No, I actually haven't
Guy 1 : you should totally it's an amazing anime that subverts your expectation with the first & second episode & it feels grounded and doesn't hold your hand and they act like adults
The 46th President of the United States. The worst President this country has ever seen.
Crooked Joe Biden can't find his way off the stage.
7👍 2👎
One of those girls in the pics that friend request you and they're pointing you to a sex website. They all have their necks titled to the side... thus the term, "Crooked Neck Bitch"
Me: I just got a friend request from some chick that wants me to click her sex website...
My friend: "You mean a crooked neck bitch sent you a request?"
Marcus: "Yo, did you finally dip the snip?"
Augustus: "Yeah I crooked the elbow."
Crook the elbow is when you as a tremendous stud have had a dry period for weeks and you finally get drained.
I was so tired of hearing "straight up" as a blanket response to nearly anything I decided to start hitting people back with "crooked down" to throw 'em off maybe make em think a little before moving on.
A response to "straight up" when the answer is in the negative.
She was surprised when I asked, "straight up?", and said, "'crooked down' silly, it was just a joke".
A character in the animal crossing game series who is known for being financially greedy. He is a raccoon that charges high prices for housing.
Man my bank is worse than nook the crook!