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Best friend ever helps with relationships can be cracked at some point but a really good person. Is and will start a family with a man named Dylan the man of her dreams. Also likes Men-toes and can be an i dot sometimes

Dylan wants to be with Diana

by a242t4g,mrbmwnkern t November 5, 2019




by August 19, 2021


She’s the baddest bitch you’ll ever meet she can be shy at first but when you really get to meet her you all are in for good time. She’s very popular but modest and can turn every situation in her favor but when it come to relationships she just ain’t your girl :(

Carlos: why don’t you go talk to that cute girl over there ?
Luis : DIANA?! Nah I’ll probably trip and break my neck as I approach her :(

*both guys get murdered*

by Joselyn toto November 29, 2019


Diana is the type of girl to jump up on your waist cause she so small, but don't be fooled by the cute and innocent way she stares into your eyes. You do not wanna see her dark side. She has seen some freaky shit and when you raise your hand she flinches cause she been hurt in the past. Don't let her go. If you do, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Diana's are known for having the hottest bods in the world and they can turn you on with just a look...

"Damn Diana looks so innocent!"
"nah she ain't, she did bumps with me last night. All night if you know what i mean.."

by Ariana Grande's Pony tail December 4, 2020


A Diana is the description for mostly female individuals who behave like Karens but less dramatic and more senseless instead.

Don’t act like such a Diana !

by Lucien26 March 28, 2023


A beautiful girl she’s perfect in everyway

She’s pure, genuine, and has a great personality. She carries herself lightly and loves purely from her soul
She’s like an angel on earth

Bro I want a girl like Diana

by Brandon Xavier November 23, 2021


A person who will always fall for a triple M

Uhhhhh Diana, I bet she fell for a triple M

by Batquan May 31, 2021