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Eddie Hall

Born in Dead Sea, Jordan, Eddie Hall is most notable for being the saltiest strongman to walk the Earth. Known for his feud with Hafthor Bjornsson, and for being the only person to dispute his obvious 501KG deadlift world record.

"Bro, Eddie Hall is trying to invalidate Hafthor's Bjornnson even though it was done with independently weighed plates for a live audience"
"Lol, Eddie is a salt mine"

by Big Man Gordon May 7, 2020

30👍 10👎

eddie murphy

A comedian who USED to be funny.

What happened Eddie? Did Daddy Day Care kill your career?

by Alomar January 26, 2005

804👍 379👎

Eddie Stans

Insane fans of the show Stranger Things that’s crush and go crazy over a character named Eddie Munson. Two songs they have made are Chrissy Wake Up and Eddies Song which are both cringe.

Person 1: Eddie Stans are scary.
Person 2: But I’m one!!!🥺🥺
Person 1: Get away from me.

by Mutz821 August 27, 2022

eddy spedgetti

a retard with spasms

im eddy spedgetti

by Waluigiboi February 7, 2019

Eddie Wright

He’s a rapist who sexually assaults girls to look cool to his 0 friends. He has assaulted and sexually harassed to many girls to count and has not got in trouble for some reason

Oh look it’s Eddie Wright I hope he doesn’t rape me

by Followyysconsaundcloud November 20, 2019

Hot Eddy

When a male and his female are laying together under the blankets, the male farts, then shakes the blanket - resulting in the fart wafting up towards the female. Opposite of a dutch oven.

Colin straight hit that bitch with a hot eddy , i heard her scream from the other room.

by 1206bdawg December 18, 2020

Eddie and melody

The couple that can never fall apart. Always there for each other. Eddie loves melody and gives her kisses everyday to Melody then always ending it with one on the neck. There inseparable! Eddie’s are mostly likely to top Melody, Melody's the sweet girl who’s kind to everyone while Eddie’s the boy to murder you on the spot if you touch Melody. Eddie always on Mel to the point one night they’re gonna do IT (if Yk Yk) lol! Now if your names Melody and you have an Eddie in your life you’re in for a treat!

“Who are they?”

“That’s Eddie and melody. You better stay away from mel cuz Eddie’s coming for you”

by Star_lights_forever March 8, 2023

1👍 1👎